Keeping a pet dog requires considerable commitment. The owner must not only look after his/her health, but also provide the dog with sufficient exercise and feed him/her properly. It involves an investment of considerable amount of money in dog food bills. Many people hold an unrealistic view that dogs in their pristine state are scavengers by nature and hence can eat almost anything. In the city, it is more convenient and time saving to feed the dog processed dog food, though the owner must, from time to time, ensure that his pet receives meats and fiber. There are various brands of dog food available on the market and each one of them has some pluses and minuses.
With the current rise in prices and an inflation that shows no signs of reducing, buying cheap, wholesome dog food becomes difficult. This is where dog food coupons come in handy. There are various schemes on offer in the supermarkets and specialty dog stores which help in making your doggie bills a lot lighter. The schemes range from buying a range of home products giving discount coupons on dog food, or buying dog related products and availing dog food coupons for the same. Some manufacturers give their own coupons which are in addition to the coupons issued by the super market. For example, a dog food manufacturer may sponsor a $1 discount coupon as an advertising strategy. At the same time, a supermarket selling dog food may advertise a discount of $1 on every $15 worth of same dog food. Adding both the discounts, the customer can thus save $2 for the purchase. Thus over a year this results in substantial savings.
Buying items close to expiry date have a series of attractive discount coupons attached to them including dog food coupons. Such sales are beneficial for the supermarkets as well as the customers. The cautionary of course being the likelihood of the food item possibly not fit for consumption by humans or also the dogs. Other schemes involve buying a set type of groceries in bulk which are discounted with coupons of all sorts including dog food coupons. Yet another variation is buying dog food coupons in bulk over the web. With every purchase of coupons, certain number of such coupons come free, or a certain quantum of them are made available. All such schemes have the inherent advantage of making the cost of food items and dog food items less costly. Using dog food coupons is undeniably a step in the right direction to reducing your pet food bill costs.